Esse vídeo tomou uma proporção mundial pela crueldade promovida por uma cuidadora, ou que pelo menos deveria ser.
As cenas são de selvageria contra uma criança e aconselhamos pessoas sensíveis a não ver.
Segundo as informações do post a mulher já esta presa, mas uma grande discussão se levantou sobre quem colocamos para cuidar de nossas crianças quando estamos e precisamos estar ausentes.
Morning friends, am humbled by you, when I posted this video of the MAID!! it was a genuine matter of concern I never ever knew that it would go viral with BBC CNN etc, 26 MILLION plus views on my fb and growing it has been reported to fb so many times to be removed but fb had said NO. If you think otherwise that’s your problem. Kindly be advised that this was put up because I felt for the kid besides I have kids of my own, not to mention a heart! The vid was to help you in your homes, not for fame or to look smart, your third & fourth opinions kindly keep them to your selves, kindly stop inboxing me your ****** ideas. May God speed.